A Potpourri of Thoughts

A Potpourri of Thoughts
Penning down my thoughts while sipping my cup of coffee !!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

My Celebrating Holi …the MANAGE way!!!

Students start pouring in at the venue for holi celebrations. It may be customery for some to enter the class late but here they make it a point to come on time or even before time, ’cause it is time to revel not just in the various hues of gulal but also to revel in the colours of life and the bliss that it offers. Venue…..poolside. Replete with colours, a patch of land in the corner specially prepared with the right consistency of slush to wallow in!!! Other than the coloured water in the swimming pool ,a hose consistently supplies water for Holi revelries. Also at another corner is a table with refreshments.For those dying to take the earliest plunge there are no rules for the day….for the reluctant breed like me there are set rules. .Senior girls would not spare any of the junior girls. They are forced out of their hide-outs,soaked in buckets of coloured water ,faces smeared with colours and taken out to the specially dug out pit full of slush and dumped into it.Then the earth coloured unidentifiable entities are thrown into the adjoining swimming pool, to help them wash off the mix of mud and colours.The effect of the entire series of events is such that once you regain your breath you're on the look -out for batchmates who deserve a similar fate ! Inhibitions and reluctance is all washed off with the splashed coloured water.We play Holi till we are overcome with fatigue and then make way to grab whatever is left of the refreshments.With this the Holi revelries come to an end ,leaving students scrubbing there faces hard to remove the colours from their faces to regain their identity!

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